Delivered services
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Structural Engineering, Environmental Services
Mixed-use development comprising of 136 apartments 3 retail units and ancillary accommodation. The apartments are arranged in two five-storey blocks over a basement car park and one four-storey block over a separate basement car park. One Block accommodates a first-floor landscaped podium and two fourth floor roof gardens in another Block.
The site and adjoining properties had been in long-term industrial use for activities including an iron foundry; gas works; lead works; chemical and manure works; and, coal yards, so the potential for land contamination was high. Background hydrological and geological information was gathered; a site investigation programme included the excavation of trial pits, the installation of boreholes and groundwater / gas monitoring wells; a monitoring programme which included the monitoring of landfill gas and groundwater levels and the sampling and testing of samples was implemented during construction.