Delivered services
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering
The Milner Road frontage responds well to the existing terrace dwellings in Milner Road with the use of stock bricks, the modern geometric interpretation of the front bay windows and the replication of the scale and rhythm created by the terrace houses.
80m to the north of the site, at the intersection of Morden Road (A219) with Kingston Road (A238), is South Wimbledon Tube Station, a Grade II listed building. The residential element of the scheme does not have any designated off-street car parking spaces due to the site’s excellent level of public transport accessibility. A 10m wide vehicle turntable is provided within the site to cater for all deliveries to the retail unit, whilst also providing access for refuse vehicle servicing for both the residential and retail elements of the scheme. Ground conditions and proximity to London Underground posed design challenges on the project, which were successfully overcome.