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ICE Awards 2020


ICE Awards 2020

Mullingar Courthouse has been named as a Finalist in the Public or Heritage Building and Overall Project Categories for the Irish Construction Excellence Awards 2020. The project involved the sensitive restoration of the existing detached seven-bay two-storey courthouse, a Protected Structure built between c.1824 and c.1828, with a more recent extension to the side and rear. The completed courthouse provides three modern courtrooms enabling Circuit and District Court sittings in civil, criminal and family law cases, improved custody facilities, court offices and associated facilities and will provide much improved facilities for all court users in Mullingar and it will also result in the restoration of an important heritage building for Mullingar. The new building responds to the historic patterns of development within Mullingar and to the architectural traditions, while expressing the social significance of this important building. Mixing both modern and conservation techniques resulted in a fantastic courthouse building, fit for purpose and to the highest legal and security standards. Read more about this project at